Grievance Mechanism

The College has an effective and objective multi-tier Grievance Redressal Mechanism, consisting of several forums and committees, that focuses on careful and sensitive handling of student grievances. The following committees/cells/units are duly constituted for resolution of various types of grievances:

A. Academic and Curricular Issues

a. Matters pertaining to Admissions: Admission Grievance Committee

b. Matters pertaining to Teaching-Learning: Teacher-In-Charges of respective Departments

c. Matters pertaining to Internal Assessment: Internal Assessment Committee

B. Non-Academic Issues

a. Matters pertaining to general discipline: Discipline Committee

b. Matters pertaining to discrimination: Equal Opportunity Cell

c. Matters pertaining to infrastructure: Administrative Office

d. Matters pertaining to sexual harassment: Internal Complaints Committee

e. Matters pertaining to ragging: Anti-Ragging Committee and Anti-Ragging Cell

C. Grievances related to Hostel

a. Matters pertaining to Boys Hostel: Discipline Committee for Hostel (Boys Hostel)

b. Matters pertaining to Girls Hostel: Discipline Committee for Hostel (Girls Hostel)

D. General Grievances

For any other grievances not categorized above: Students Grievance Redressal Committee

Students may register their grievances through the following channels


  1. The aggrieved student(s) may directly approach the Convenor of appropriate committee with a written application or through email.
  2. In case of ragging related grievances, the aggrieved student (s) may directly inform any of the members of the Anti-Ragging Committee and/or Anti-Ragging Cell, SRCC on mobile. The details of the Anti-Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Cell are published on the website.
  3. Grievances, on plain paper, may be posted in complaint boxes fixed around the campus at the following places:
    1. Outside Administrative Office
    2. Outside Library Block
    3. Near Principal’s Office at central stair case (ground-floor) of the Main Building
    4. In the Co-operative Area
  4. For matters of teaching-learning and internal assessment, students are advised to first express their grievance to the concerned faculty members. On non-resolution of grievance, the student may approach the Convenor, Internal Assessment Committee with a written application or through email.
  5. Aggrieved student (s) may also submit their grievance in writing or through email to the Principal, Shri Ram College of Commerce


The student may register their grievance through the following links (redirects to another window in the browser):

For matters pertaining to the College

For matters pertaining to the University

Student Grievance Redressal Matrix at Shri Ram College of Commerce

Nature of Grievance

Category of Grievance

Whom to contact

Contact Details

A. Academic



Admission Grievance Committee, SRCC



Teacher-In-Charges of respective Departments

Details may be viewed at:

Internal Assessment


Internal Assessment Moderation Committee, SRCC

Details may be viewed at:

B. Non-Academic

Discipline in the College


Discipline Committee

Details may be viewed at:

Discrimination on the basis of Caste, Creed,  Ethnicity, Disability, Gender, Language, Region and Religion,

Anti-Discrimination Officer

Equal Opportunity Cell, SRCC

Details may be viewed at:


AO (Administrative)

Administrative Officer, SRCC




Anti-Ragging Committee

Details may be viewed at:


Wardens of respective hostels

  • For Boys Hostel: warden[dot]bh[at]srcc[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in
  • For Girls Hostel:


Sexual Harassment

Presiding Officer

Internal Complaints Committee, SRCC


C. General

For grievances in any other matter other than the above


Student Grievance Redressal Committee

Details may be viewed at:

The appellate authority for all matters of student grievance at College level is the Principal, Shri Ram College of Commerce.